This business is listed in the office services section of our website
- 07393454939
- kent
- Sittingbourne
- Other Pages: Administrative Support - Contact - Outsourcing
- Admin and more for small businesses.
I help all types of businesses with their Admin, Systems and Accreditations in Kent and remotely.
For example, I help Paul who runs a Painting and Decorating company with getting his quotes and invoicing out on time, help with reports on profits and loss and I’ve just gone through an application for him for SafeContractor which he has just been awarded.
If you know of anyone running their own business who doesn’t have enough hours in the day, is not getting any quality family time and knows they need a little bit of help then I would appreciate the shout out.
- Fortress General Management Services LimitedIs Also Listed In:
office-services in Sittingbourne
kent Business Directory
Sittingbourne Business Directory
office-services in kent
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