Buqiworks School of Tai chi and Qigong
Director and head teacher Sarah Bartlett
Sarah Bartlett has been studying Tai chi and Qigong for thirty years and teaching since 2001.
Buqiworks offers classes in the Bristol and Bath area, weekend courses in Bristol and one to one sessions and private classes in many locations.
Sarah also runs retreats in Britain and abroad.
Sarah runs a weekly group for people with Parkinson's disease in Bristol, supported by Parkinson's UK and is a certified exercise provider for those with Parkinson's disease.
Sarah and all teachers she works alongside were students of the late Tai Chi Grandmaster Dr Shen Hongxun of the Buqi college Belgium. Sarah Studied with him for many years and in addition to teaching she is also a qualified Buqi therapist and has worked with Buqi in many areas of health, mental , physical and emotional. She worked for many years in a drug and alcohol rehab center, has done work for Bristol Mind, St Johns hospital Bath, age Uk,and many more organisations.