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Killblaze Fire Prtection Services Limited

This business is listed in the other tradesmen services Business Directory

  • Region: yorkshire
  • Town: Royston

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  • Company Ownership

    Killblaze Fire Protection Services is incorporated as a limited company. The company’s main shareholder and founder is Adrian Gough.

    Adrian has a proven track record of success in launching a new business, having owned his pest control company, AG Pest Management Ltd for 10 years.

    Company Summary

    Killblaze Fire Protection Services is a new company incorporated in 2013, that will provide a high level of fire protection services to businesses within the Yorkshire region.

    What will set us apart from the competition is our commitment to provide fire protection services at the highest standard.


    Our goal is to set the standard for Fire Protection Services through fast, on-site service and response. Our customers will always receive one-on-one personal attention at a very affordable price. Our customers will receive the highest quality of service available and comprehensive advice on all their fire protection needs and obligations. Our employees will receive extensive training, a great place to work, fair pay and benefits, and incentives to use their own good judgement to solve customers’ problems.

    Keys to Success

    The keys to success in our business are:

    Reputation: credibility, integrity and 100% dedication to our work and our customers
    Pricing: Providing competitive pricing for both maintenance and provision of fire safety supplies.
    Expertise: Providing complete solutions to customers enabling them to meet their fire safety obligations

  • Killblaze Fire Prtection Services Limited Is Also Listed In:

    other-tradesmen-services in Royston
    Yorkshire Business Directory
    Royston Business Directory
    other-tradesmen-services in yorkshire
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