Training Courses For Corporate clients and Individuals
Never feel helpless again, having the knowledge and confidence to help save a person’s life is one of the most important attributes a person can possess.
One of your work colleagues, family or friends might one day be in a life changing incident and they will look to you for immediate help. Regiment First Aid will prepare you for that day.
We offer a wide range of First Aid courses ready to fulfil your every medical need in the work place and at home.
Regiment First Aid Training are proud to be working in association with Nuco Training to provide Ofqual (Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) and SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority) regulated First Aid, Fire and Food courses through the FAA (First Aid Awards) certifying body.
Why Choose Us Over St John's Ambulance or British Red Cross?
All of Regiment First Aid Trainers are fully qualified. All of our courses are Ofqual regulated Level 2 and Level 3 First Aid qualifications. We are knowledgeable in our field having worked in high risk environments throughout the world.
We have first-hand experience of delivering first aid under pressure in life threatening situations, so you can take comfort in the knowledge that the people training you have actually been in real life situations, they understand why you need the highest levels of training and can offer you a true perspective.