Optimal Solicitors are no win no fee solicitors that specialize in many different areas of law including:
Personal Injury
We can help in all types of accident and injury claims. If you have suffered injury through no fault of your own, we can claim on your behalf. No win, no fee.
Family Law
Our experienced solicitors are able to provide professional and confidential divorce and family law advice. If you are thinking of divorcing, have maintenance or child contact problems please call us today.
Wills and Probate
We are experts in drafting wills and our team knows full well how sensitive of a matter it is to you, and how important it is to get it exactly right. Choosing Optimal Solicitors will give you with the comfort of confidence and certainty.
Apart from above services Optimal Solicitors can happily provide you with all the business advice and legal services that you need. Whether it is drafting a business agreement, dealing with business premises, a partnership dispute, or when you are owed money by customers, we can help you.
Financial mis-selling
Assistance in reclaiming bank charges, mis-sold PPI, Packaged bank accounts and financial products are underestimated service we offer. Because we work on No win no fee basis, there is no risk checking if bank owe you money.