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Resincoat develop and manufacture a wide range of epoxy resin and polyurethane paints and coatings in their UK factory based in West Yorkshire. They are experts in the coatings industry offering high quality professional floor and wall paints for both
Kinsley | West Yorkshire
View Business Building Supplies Added: 5/11/2019
Aardvark Joinery
Aardvark Joinery is a small and newly established business, our goal is to supply the individual with a product tailored to their specification. Standard models are not the only option you get to choose from when buying from us, we
Kinsley | Yorkshire
View Business Carpenters Added: 18/11/2016
Aardvark Joinery
Aardvark Joinery supply a wide range of leading garden products, all built with buyers in mind. Our most popular designs currently range from our luxury garden bars, through to our poultry housing and summer houses, supplying all our products to the