I provide therapeutic massage which will alleviate or eliminate ill-health. Massage does the following:
It stimulates the circulatory system.
It stimulates the lymphatic system.
It stimulates the digestive system.
It boosts the immune system.
It eliminates aches and pains.
It helps to eliminate toxins from the body.
It reduces Anxiety and Depression.
Ill-health can arise if one or more of the body's systems does not function properly. A poor circulatory system will lead to a sensitivity to cold and will help to increase the likelihood of Arthritis and Rheumatism. Oedima is one condition which is a result of a sluggish lymphatic system. A poor digestive system causes indigestion, heartburn and abdominal bloating. A weak immune system leads to a susceptibility to illness. Stiff joints and/or inflammation causes aches and pains; massage remedies this. An accumulation of toxins prevents the body from functioning efficiently and this results in illness and/or disease. Also, massage reduces Anxiety and Depression because it promotes a feeling of well-being.
I provide a mobile massage service which means I come to your home. The benefit to the client of my mobile massage service is that you don't have to disrupt the beneficial effects of massage by then having to return home. Massage is so relaxing that its benefits are enhanced if you then continue to relax at home rather than having to use public transport or drive home. Alternatively, a cab can be used but why pay for this expense.
I provide my mobile massage service in the borough of Wandsworth. Also, Wimbledon, Fulham and Chelsea.
£50: a one hour full body massage.
£30: a thirty minute massage of the head, neck, shoulders and arms.